Boiron - Yeastaway Suppositories, 7 count,.

Product Description
Boiron Yeastaway is homeopathic combination remedy for the symptoms of vaginal yeastinfections such as vaginal itching, burning, minor vaginal discharge and discomfort.Instructions:Insert one suppository high into the vagina every night for consecutivenights. Applicator and instructions are enclosed. Before using, be sure to read enclosededucational insert and warnings. Additional Info:The homeopathic yeast remedyfor natural relief of vaginal itching, burning and discomfort. All natural. No knownside-effects. vaginal suppositories. Applicator enclosed. Dissolves quickly. No prescriptionnecessary. Indications: For the natural relief of symptoms of vaginal yeast infections(candidiasis), such as minor itching, burning and discomfort. If this is the first time youhave had vaginal itch and discomfort, consult your physician. If you have had physiciandiagnose vaginal yeast infection before and have the same symptoms now, use thesesuppositories as directed. Ingredients:Active: Borax HPU.S14x, Candida AlbicansHPU.S30x, Hydrastis Canadensis HPU.S1x, Calendula Officinalis HPU.S1x, Inactive: Glycerin,Purified Water, Gelatin

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