Femanol (6) Bottles 60 Capsules in each bottle For Vaginal Odor & Discharge,.

Product Description
Most vaginal odor and vaginal discharge is caused by an infection called gardnerella which causes bacterial vaginosis. While this infection can be passed between partners, it is not a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is one of the leading causes of vaginal odor. This odor may become more pronounced after having intercourse and often has a fishy odor. This is the most common type of vagina odor and vaginal smell.No one fully understands the cause of bacterial vaginosis. BV is associated with an imbalance in the bacteria that is normally found in a woman's vagina. The vagina normally contains mostly good bacteria and fewer harmful bacteria (candida albicans). BV develops when there is a change in the environment of the vagina that causes an increase in harmful bacteria. Bacterial Vaginosis involves the loss of the normal lactobacilli bacteria and the growth of pathologic anaerobic bacteria. Bacterial vaginosis has been associated with a number of complications in pregnant women. Scientific studies suggest that BV is common in women of reproductive age. We known Women DO NOT get bacterial vaginosis from toilet seats, bedding, hotubs, swimming pools or from contact with everyday objects. FemanolTM is formulated to be a total Feminine product. Not only is it designed to attack the root causes of your current bacterial vaginosis or BV but also their recurrence. The ingredients in FemanolTM can assist in the re-establishment of the natural lactobacilli in your vagina and significantly boost your immune system to fight your existing condition and its recurrence. Femanol was formulated specifically for Bacterial Vaginosis, but there are many other benefits. When taken on a regular basis, Femanol can help stop the recurrence of BV and also Yeast Infections.
- Femanol can help stop the recurrence of BV and also Yeast Infections.

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