Bio Nativus Menopause Nutritional Support 180 Tablets,.

Product Description
Clinical Indications:There are numerous symptoms and conditions that occur during menopause and the following symptoms are often considered among the more common:? Hot Flashes ? Night Sweats ? Anxiety ? Increased Osteoporosis ? Depression ? Skin Changes ? Headaches ? Estrogen Deficiency SymptomsFormulation:Menopause Nutritional Support was designed to ease the changes that accompany the transitions associated with menopause.Black CohoshThe estrogenic effects of black cohosh is believed to be one of the principle mechanisms that assists in the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Its estrogenic effects have been demonstrated in numerous studies, and its effects are strong enough to lower LH, while not lowering FSH.1 This herb has been used for decades in Europe with decades of beneficial effects.Dong QuaiIt has been used extensively for menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes and low estrogen related symptoms. Among the principle mechanisms involved in its therapeutic effect is its mild estrogenic effect and its ability to stabilize blood vessels. LicoriceLicorice supports the menopausal needs by nourishing the adrenal glands. In addition, its estrogenic effects contribute to its beneficial effects.St. John's WortHypericum has been well documented for its ability to lessen depression. In fact, it has been demonstrated to benefit symptoms including depression and anxiety.4 St. John's Wort actually has been shown to confer benefits substantially better than conventional anti-depressants.Wild YamWild Yam and its extracts have a long history of use as a hormonal supportive herb. Clinically its use has assisted with the relief of menopausal symptoms. Additionally it has been incorporated into transdermal creams to lessen hormonal imbalances.Tips for Menopausal Health:Consume foods high in plant sterols, like soy products. Avoid excess red meat and fat intake. Drink lots of water and eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables
- Offers Support for the following Symptoms
- Hot Flashes
- Osteoporosis
- Estrogen Deficiency
- Menopause Nutritional Support provides the combination of herbs and nutrients that have assisted thousands of women through the natural hormonal and physiological changes that occur during menopause

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