Dioscorea Capsules 500mg 60c by Genestra,.

Product Description
Dioscorea Capsules 500mg 60c by Genestra provides a pure source of 100% organic wild yam shown to possess the ability to stimulate progesterone production, and thereby assisting with hormonal imbalances during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Studies show that progesterone has a balancing and opposing effect on estrogen. Unopposed estrogen can result in an increased risk of endometrial and breast cancers. Dioscorea Capsules is indicated for fetal brain development; for the maintenance of the overall energy level during pregnancy, postpartum depression, anovulation, dysmenorrhea; and for menopausal symptoms, including depression, irritability, headaches, fatigue, hot flashes, vaginal dryness and water retention. For maximum benefits, Dioscorea Capsules is an excellent adjunct to Dioscorea Cream.The capsules are 100% pure vegetable-sourced. Product ideal for vegans.

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