Harmony: Hormone Balance for Women 60ct.,.

Product Description
Your Menopause Symptoms SOLVED in 6 Distinct Ways1. Relief from hot flashes and night sweats with LifenolLifenol is a clinically-studied hops extract and one of the most powerful phytoestrogens ever discovered. Phytoestrogens are nature's hormone balancers and they work to support your body's own hormone production, metabolism, and breakdown.In double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies, participants taking Lifenol reported a 4-fold decrease in hot flashes, a 2-fold decrease in night sweats, and a 2-fold decrease in general menopause symptoms than those taking a placebo.2. Deep, restful sleep...and more...with melatoninMelatonin is the hormone that's released by your pineal gland at night, helping you to fall asleep. Studies suggest that 300 mcg of this important hormone-the exact amount you'll get in Harmony-can help you get a deep, restful sleep.I also believe that supplementing with melatonin can help women over 40 preserve their endocrine and reproductive functions, including hormone function.3. Fewer mood swings and sleepless nights with PABAPara-aminobenzoic acid, or PABA (not to be confused with PABA in sunscreen), is a fat soluble B-vitamin found in certain grains and animal foods. It's one of the best natural substances to slow down estrogen metabolism in your liver and help keep your hormone levels balanced.Science suggests higher PABA levels help to reduce hot flashes, sleeplessness, and mood swings, and I've included 400 mg in my Harmony formula.4. Less estrogen loss with vitamin B12In my medical practice, I've found that some women have livers that break down too much estrogen, thus exacerbating their menopause symptoms. The trace mineral cobalt can help with this by bringing estrogen metabolism in the liver back into proper balance.5. Rebalanced vital energy with Yinizing herbs6. Support for estrogen production and bone health with boron
- Contains patented Lifenol hops extract
- Reduces hot flashes and night sweats
- Promotes sound sleep
- Supports healthy estrogen balance
- Supports bone health

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