Newton RX - Menopause #29 1 oz,.

Product Description
Menopause #29 1 oz Ingredients: Agnus cas. 3x Angelica sin. 3x Arsenicum alb. 10x Bothrops lanc. 10x Caulophyllum 10x Cimicifuga 10x Cinchona 10x Crotalus hor. 10x Damiana 3x Echinacea pur. 3x Elaps cor. 10x Glonoinum 10x Helonias 3x Ignatia 10x Lachesis 10x Naja 10x Phosphorus 10x Pulsatilla 10x Salix alba 3x Sanguinaria 10x Sepia 10x Valeriana 3x Alcohol 20% Directions: Adults take 6 drops one to four times daily or as directed by your health care pr

  • Newton RX
  • RX029 L01

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