Krill Oil & Evening Primrose Oil 60 Liq Caps by Swanson EFAs,.

Product Description
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are an integral part of daily nutrition from birth to death, but little do you hear about the particular benefits of EFAs for women's health. With our new Swanson EFAs Krill Oil & Evening Primrose Oil combination formula, we're putting female-specific EFA nutrition up front and making it easy to enjoy the benefits. With this new formula you get the optimal balance of the right essential fatty acids to promote feminine health and comfort. The omega-3 and omega-6 in this perfect blend are believed to promote and support: Healthy hair and skin Nervous system function Mood and mental health Cardiovascular and circulatory health Internal health and comfort (gastro-urinary-reproductive) Women of all ages will appreciate the comforting nourishment this precision krill oil and evening primrose oil supplement offers. Get the important EFAs likely missing from your diet (the ones women need most) so you can face each new challenge with poise, confidence and radiant good health. Read more about krill oil and evening primrose oil .
- Swanson EFAs Krill Oil & Evening Primrose Oil
- Optimized EFA supplement for women of all ages
- Featuring Superba brand krill oil

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