Perfect Woman Bioidentical Progesterone Cream Extra Strength 10% 2 Oz.,.

Product Description
PERFECT WOMAN has a yam concentration of 8.5% for Regular Strength and 10% for X-tra Strength. This concentration is high; many cremes range from only 3% to 7.5%. PERFECT WOMAN unlike other products, has been doctor tested and has been used in 500 clinics around the world with approximately l00,000 women on this program Statistics show a reduction of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, menstrual cramping, and water retention. PERFECT WOMAN also has the largest number of dosage forms for the consumer. These dosage forms offer the consumer many choices that best fit their needs.
- High Potency All Natural Pure Yam Extract Cream
- Reduces Hot Flashes
- Reduces Night Sweats
- Over 2 million Doses Used Worldwide
- 100% Natural-No Additives

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