Ainterol Pueraria Mirifica Extract 1000ml (2.2 Lbs),.

Product Description
AINTEROL Pueraria Mirifica Extract - Liquid, semisold (PME)(1000ml - 2.2 lb HDPE Pharmaceutical grade bottle)Content: Pueraria Mirifica Extract (no fillers or added chemicals any kind). This is FOOD & PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE Extract. Safe to take orally.Packaging: Sealed for long freshness. HDPE Pharmaceutical grade bottle. Preservative & color free productDaily Dosage orally: 4-8 drops. Please start with 4 drops and observe all changes. You can increase to 6-8 drops after 4-5 weeks.Remember: PM Extract absorb much faster to your body than capsule. Uses: Taken orally as instructed above or mixing PM Extract to your own cream or lotion with rate of 1-5% of weights (lotion or cream).Pueraria Mirifica usesPueraria Mirifica is a real "multifunctional" plant which works perfect when taken correctly. Just let it absorb and give your body time to adapt to it. Do not fear of changes what you are going thru during your treatment. It's a life changing experience. You'll literally shine after your treatment. Body feels young, energetic and looks better. Skin is really in top condition. Some don't even need lotion during PM treatment. Skin is full of nutrients and feels smooth & elastic. Pueraria Mirifica is best known to be used in alternative breast enlargement treatment. Instead of silicone implants you can go for natural. PME will improve your sexual relationship with your partner in any case.Benefits:breast enlargement treatment, menopausal issues (against hot flashes & night sweating etc.), against psoriasis - after few days to weeks use you'll be amazed how well it helps, against pimples, anti-wrinkle, anti-aging, stronger nails. (If you've dreamed of long real nails), facial skin is smoother and less oily, better, faster and stronger hair growth (best results when combining extract with capsules), body tonic & body feels energetic, increase in healthy vaginal moisture and sex drive Ships Registered Mail from Thailand or other Distribution Center
- breast enlargement treatment
- menopausal issues (against hot flashes & night sweating etc.)
- anti-aging & anti-wrinkle
- stronger nails. (If you've dreamed of long real nails)
- increase in healthy vaginal moisture and sex drive

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