Energized Water Drops - Pure Intent Water,.

Product Description
SPECIAL OFFER: BUY ONE ENERGIZED DROPS AND GET AN ENERGIZED FACIAL SPRAY FOR FREE! OFFER ENDS DECEMBER 17, 2011. Pure Intent Water energized water concentrate is designed to be an excellent source for all your body's needs by helping you function optimally within your own physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual levels.Visit us at www. pureintentwater .comWe offer Pure Intent Water with a heartfelt wish for your vibrant good health and well-being. - The Pure Intent Water Family
- Designed to energize, detoxify and rehydrate cells of your body. Drink or drop under tounge
- PH 8 - ENERGY FIELD 19 FEET - Beneficial and safe for all family members, pets and plants to receive daily.
- "Humans' subtle bodies respond almost immediately to the Life Enhancing force imparted to the water. Since we operate with 75 to 80% water this is not surprising." G.P. Los Lunas, NM
- "I have already seen results in me, my heart and breath and workplace and "thinking" since our first session. ... And I can "see" much more clearly with my heart and mind now. A blessing indeed! And it is all so welcome." TLG Aiea, Hawaii
- Rehydrate during air travel adding a couple of drops to your cafe mocha, latte, espresso, chai, coffee, tea, or glass of water along with your personal request in the form of a thought, mantra, prayer, song or picture describing your intent.

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