Milk-Free Probiotic Acidophilus plus FOS 250 Vcaps 3-Pack,.

Product Description
L. acidophilus is considered a probiotic or friendly bacterium. These types of healthy bacteria inhabit the intestines and vagina and protect against some unhealthy organisms. The breakdown of food by L. acidophilus produces lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and other byproducts that make the environment hostile for undesired organisms. L. acidophilus also tends to consume the nutrients many other microorganisms depend on, thus outcompeting possibly harmful bacteria in the digestive tract. During digestion, L. acidophilus also assists in the production of niacin, folic acid, and pyridoxine. Studies have also shown L. acidophilus can assist in bile deconjugation, separating amino acids from bile acids, which can then be recycled by the body. Some research has indicated L. acidophilus may provide additional health benefits, including improved gastrointestinal function, a boosted immune system, and a decrease in the frequency of vaginal yeast infections. Some people report L. acidophilus provides relief from indigestion and diarrhea. L. acidophilus is naturally present in healthy vaginas. The acid produced by L. acidophilus in the vagina helps to kill the fungus Candida albicans, helping to prevent vaginal yeast infections. Certain spermicides and contraceptive creams can kill L. acidophilus in the vagina, clearing the path to possible yeast infections.Antibiotics taken orally will also kill beneficial bacteria like L. acidophilus. After a regime of antibiotic therapy, patients are occasionally instructed to take an L. acidophilus treatment in order to recolonize the gastrointestinal tract
- Probiotics Yeast Infections Gastroinstestinal Disorders Immunity

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