Boric Acid Powder -- 12 Oz ( 6 Pack ),.

Product Description
SKU NUMBER: 699173(6)The Mininimum EXP date on product:1year.TITLE DESCRIPTION: Boric Acid Powder -- 12 Oz ( 6 Pack ).MANUFACTURER:BORIC ACID.PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:boric acid (100%) powder is odorless and nonstaining. Kills roaches, water bugs, ants, fleas and silverfish. Insects walk through the dust, ingest it, and die within hours.SUGGESTED USE:Apply lightly to cracks, crevices and surfaces, where crawling insects frequent.Sprinkle around baseboards, under and behind refrigerator, stove, sink, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer.Also, sprinkle into openings around drain pipes and electrical conduits, and in cracks and crevices along baseboards and corners of cabinets, cupboards and closets.

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