Lane Labs Warmi Menopause Relief 90 Cap,.

Product Description
Lane Labs Warmi Menopause Relief Description: Manufacturer's Information: Advanced Calcium Supplement.#1 Bone-Building Calcium - Now in an Easy to Swallow Caplet!Excersize and a healthy diet with adequate daily calcium intake may help younger women (especially white and Asian) reduce their osteoporosis risk later in life. Calcium intakes above 2000 mg are not likely to produce extra benefit. Extraordinary Calcium Complex Clinical research has shown that AdvaCAL with HAI (AAACa) can actually increase bone density - including the critical spine. Other calcium supplements claim only to slow bone loss. AdvaCAL INCREASES blood calcium, STIMULATES bone-building activity and PROTECTS against bone-loss by modulating PTH (parathyroid hormone) activity. Because the calcium is better absorbed, AdvaCAL helps you fight osteoporosis harder! Disclaimer These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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