Her Maintenance (Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan, Warming Uterus and Conception) 200 Pills X 12,.

Product Description
Her Maintenance(Nuan gong yun zi wan). Packing: 200 concentrated pills / bottle. Manufactured by Lanzhou Traditional Herbs, China. Notes: Her Maintenance is a modern preparation of the ancient formula "Nuan Gong Yuan Zi Pill" (Warm Uterus and Conception Pill). Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners often use this formula with combination of other method to treat women's infertility related.It may also be used for:1. Menstrual disorders: delayed menstrual cycle with scanty menstruation, accompanied by blood masses and dark color, abdominal cold pain which can be relieved by warmth, or intolerance of cold with cold limbs, soreness of waist and lack of vitality, pale tongue with white fur, thready and weak pulse.2. Amenorrhea: delayed menstrual cycle with scanty menstruation leading gradually to amenorrhea, accompanied with constitutional debility, lassitude in loins and legs, dizziness, tinnitus, short of breath and want of speech, fullness and stuffiness in the region of hypochondria.3. Dysmenorrhea: distending pain in the lower abdomen prior to or during menstruation, which can be relieved by warmth, menstrual flow scanty in amount, dark in color, intolerance of cold with cold limbs, lack of vitality and asthenia, pale tongue with white and greasy fur, deep and tense pulse or thread and weak pulse.4. Leukorrhea: lucid, cold, thin and profuse, and discharged continuously, soreness in the waist and coldness in the abdomen, pale tongue with white and thin fur, deep and slow pulse.5. Sterility long after marriage, delayed menstruation, little and pale menstrual blood, dark and gloomy complexion, lassitude in loins and legs, sexual hypoesthesia, pale tongue with white fur, deep and thready or deep and slow pulse.
- Concentrated pill of Chinese classical formula.
- Replenishes qi.
- Nourishes and invigorates blood.
- Regulates menstruation and stops pain.
- Expels the cold and warms the uterus to help conception.

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Her Maintenance (Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan)
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