Restored Balance PMS/Menopause Nat Progest Cream,.

Product Description
Natural Progesterone Cream is the convenient and safe way to easily treat premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menopause, and osteoporosis. Most people (including many doctors) have only a basic understanding of what hormones are and how they affect our bodies. The latest medical research shows that many of the afflictions that women take in stride as as being "normal for women" are actually the result of hormone imbalances that can be easily and safely corrected. Welcome to the 21st Century! Most people know about estrogen and testosterone (the female and male hormones), but what most people don't know about is progesterone. Progesterone is a crucially important hormone produced by the adrenal gland that acts as a "regulator" for the other hormones in our body -- kind like of a thermostat that keeps your body's various hormone levels perfectly adjusted. Most of the symptoms that women face during PMS or menopause are the result of either too much estrogen or not enough, and this is controlled by their progesterone. Sadly, in the case of estrogen imbalance, doctors usually treat the symptoms rather then the ailment (i.e. Prozac for PMS depression, estrogen for menopausal symptoms and osteoporosis). What is really happening in most cases is that there is a progesterone deficiency that is leading to their imbalance in estrogen. Without the regulating effects of progesterone, estrogen levels get out of control. Rather then trying to artificially adjust estrogen levels with pills, the smart thing to do is to correct the progesterone deficiency, and then let the estrogen problem correct itself.Natural Progesterone is not the same as synthetic forms called 'progestins', a chemically altered progesterone. Natural Progesterone is a remarkable formula derived from plants, not chemicals or drugs.
- Natural Progesterone for Women
- Plant Derived
- No Mineral Oil
- Cruelty Free

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