Lydia Pinkham Herbal Tablets, Helps You Feel Better During Menstruation and Menopause- 150 Tablets,.

Product Description
Do you suffer pain or distress because of your monthly period or your change of life?Discover Lydia Pinkham Tablets for nutritional support for women during all stages of life from menstruation through menopause.Lydia Pinkham is the world's most time-proven indication for women. It was first introduced in 1875, and since then has been used by generations of women the world over. The remedy was formulated specifically for women's problems by a knowledgeable, caring woman, Lydia Pinkham. The medication contains 7 natural medicinal herbs traditionally found to be beneficial in menstrual and menopausal distress. In addition, it provides iron, calcium and vitamins C and E to promote general well-being and health. The herbs are: Motherwort (leonurus cardiaca) Motherwort's name comes from the fact that it has traditionally been viewed as specially useful in female disorders. It acts as a natural tranquilizer; it fights depression; and aids in promoting easier menstruation. It has a cheering, stimulant effect. Gentian (gentiana lutea) Revitalizes and invigorates.Jamaican dogwood (piscidia erthrina) has been recommended by generations of herbalists to reduce painful menstruation.Pleurisy root (asclepias tuberosa) From early days, pleurisy root has been regarded as a valuable medicinal plant. It was an American Indian remedy. It exerts a general mild tonic effect on the system, and acts as a gentle laxative.Licorice (glycyrrhiza) is not just flavoring. It has been widely used as a herbal medicine since the Ancient Greeks and Romans. It has soothing and rejuvenating effects.Black cohosh (cimicifuga racemosa) has a tonic, restorative effect; promotes easier menstruation; and, as a diuretic, reduces bloating.Dandelion (taraxicum officinale) has been known as a medicinal herb since the Arabs of the 10th century. It is a mild tonic and diuretic
- Nutritional support for women
- Menstruation through menopause.
- The world's most time-proven indication for women
- 7 natural medicinal herbs
- Promote general well-being and health

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