Pueraria Mirifica Extra Strength Faster Effect 300mg,.

Product Description
These capsules contain 300 mg Pueraria Mirifica Extract per capsule. The Pueraria Mirifica plant has very powerful estrogenic effects. In Asia it is used for centuries as an anti-aging remedy. Also Pueraria Mirifica is well known for natural breast enlargement and breast firming.The Phytoestrogen compounds have positive effects on treating osteoporosis, prostate cancer, reduction of the menopausal syndrome and prevention of hormonally based cancers. Phytoestrogens are not hormones, but they provide the same benefits as estrogen which is the body's primary source for breast enlargement. Phytoestrogens maximizes the blood flow and estrogen distribution through the breast tissue. Your breasts will get bigger and firmer. Pueraria Mirifica increases the fatty tissue around the breast. Pueraria Mirifica supports collagen which gives your breasts a soft but firm natural shape. WARNING: Pueraria Mirifica should not be used by woman under 20 years of age as the body is not fully grown yet. Should not be used in women who have cysts, tumors or cancers at breasts or uterus, or women during pregnancy or breastfeeding mothers. Please follow the dosage on the package.
- Pueraria Mirifica has very powerful estrogenic effects. In Asia it is used for centuries as an anti-aging remedy. Also Pueraria Mirifica is well known for natural breast enlargement and breast firming, improve skin radiant to promote youthful looks, replace the loss of natural estrogen in women at the age above 40 and postmenopausal women (Hormone Replacement Therapy - HRT)
- pueraria Mirifica is well known for natural breast enlargement and breast firming
- Pueraria Mirifica extract 300mg, faster effect
- Pueraria Mirifica is anti-aging for women
- Made of 100% natural Thai herbs

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