Progesta Nu Progesterone Cream 2 oz. Pump PEAK Potential Enhance Libido,.

Product Description
Body cream for Relief of PMS symptoms and to reduce Hot Flashes, Easing transition through menopause, Improve libido and sexual energy, Enhance mood and feeling of wellness.Researchers have documented the potentially harmful affects of excessive estrogen known as "estrogen dominance". This process occurs because there is an over-abundance of estrogen in our food and environment. It is widely believed that most woman over the age of 35 have hormones levels that are out-of-balance. Your body needs natural progesterone to counter-balance the toxic effects of estrogen dominance.Recent studies have shown that menopause problems, PMS, fibroids, osteoporosis, and fibrocystic breasts have a direct correlation in women with estrogen dominance. Carefully formulated to address the needs of woman experiencing the impact of estrogen dominance, ProgestaNu is a synergistic blend of natural Progesterone that provides exactly 25 mg. of USP natural progesterone per day, the optimum amount for the best results.

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