WELL IN HAND Yeast Rescue Treatment - Spray 2 oz,.

Product Description
DOUBLE VALUE PACK of Yeast Rescue Trtmnt Spray, 2 oz - Super soothing Yeast Rescue! is an instant - acting herbal and aromatherapy complex blend of organic and wild crafted botanicals and quieting pure essential oils with a pleasant aroma and specifically designed to stop the intimate itching and burning within minutes of the first application. Whether you apply it at the very first hint of infection or if you have been already battling it for what would seem like forever, Yeast Rescue! is designed to stop the itching, burning and soreness with the first application!

  • DOUBLE VALUE PACK! You are buying TWO of Yeast Rescue Trtmnt Spray, 2 oz
  • Quantity: MULTI VALUE PACK! You are buying Description: YEAST RESCUE TRTMNT SPRAY Unit Size: 2 OZ Brand: WELL IN HAND HERBAL TROPICALS

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