Soy Isoflavones Cardio And Menopause Support Soy Isoflavone Extract 150mg 90 Capsules 1 Bottle,.

Product Description
Soy has been a main food in Asian countries for many years. This is because they are very nutritious: they contain about 36% protein, 18% fat, 30% carbohydrates, isoflavones and a lot of minerals and vitamins. All eight essentials amino acids are present in the soybean, which makes the soybean protein a complete protein. The role of soy in the prevention of chronic diseases continues to be a top priority for scientist around the world.

  • Soy Isoflavones
  • Cardio And Menopause support
  • Soy Isoflavone Extract 150mg
  • 90 Capsules 1 Bottle

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