Her Maintenance (Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan),.

Product Description
Her Maintenance(Nuan gong yun zi wan). Packing: 200 concentrated pills / bottle. Manufactured by Lanzhou Traditional Herbs, China.This is a patent remedy based on the ancient recipe "Ai Fu Nun Gong Wan" (Argyi and Cyperus Uterus-Warming Pill) in TCM, which is primarily used for warming womb and channels, nourishing blood and promoting blood circulation, in cases of cold-deficiency of women womb, gonorrhea leukorrhea, sallow complexion, pain of lower limbs, lassitude, weakness, irregular circulation of channels, and failure to conceive for a long time.

  • Concentrated pill of Chinese classical formula.
  • Replenishes qi.
  • Nourishes and invigorates blood.
  • Regulates menstruation and stops pain.
  • Expels the cold and warms the uterus to help conception.

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