Women's Sexual Vitality,.

Product Description
Women's Sexual Vitality is a famous formula, designed to enhance sensitivity, sexual vitality and nourish fertility. When sexual vitality/fertility is nurtured, this naturally enhances a woman's fertility and her enjoyment of sex.Sexual vitality and fertility are mutually dependent on one another. They are one and the same, and both reflections of overall health. With more sexual vitality comes more energy for all of life.This is not a ''miracle'' drug or pill. It takes a little time to realign the body's energy flow. Women have unique needs to enjoy sexual vitality. A woman needs adequate sexual fluid, the ability to relax, and enough energy to enjoy sex. Gradually, and very naturally, Women's Sexual Vitality enhances energy levels, sensitivity, fertility and sexual experience.Recommended dose: 3 capsules twice a day.To heighten the effects of Women's Sexual Vitality, can combine it with:Schizandra (1 capsule twice a day), famous for increasing sexual fluids Stress Relief (2 capsules 2-3 times a day) a remarkable mental/emotional stabilizer (not a sedative)

  • Women's Sexual Vitality is a famous formula, designed to enhance sensitivity, sexual vitality and nourish fertility.
  • When sexual vitality/fertility is nurtured, this naturally enhances a woman's fertility and her enjoyment of sex.
  • This is not a ''miracle'' drug or pill. It takes a little time to realign the body's energy flow. Women have unique needs to enjoy sexual vitality
  • Gradually, and very naturally, Women's Sexual Vitality enhances energy levels, sensitivity, fertility and sexual experience.
  • Call for a FREE CONSULTATION with an herbalist who has a Master's Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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